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Jimmy Lee

Irrevocable Gifts

All my clients know that every single cent they pay me as their coach goes to my Church. I'm doing this not for the money but to really help lift others up. It's a gift I have been given and I'm will be a responsible steward. My gifts will define who I am indeed.

When my clients felt my sincerity and generosity, they always come to their coaching sessions with little gifts and tokens of appreciation. Some came with coffee, snacks, dinner and one came with a pineapple...LOL. I appreciated all of them because the gifts/appreciation came sincerely from their hearts.

Last week, one of my clients presented me with a book he co-authored and I enjoyed reading it much. He is so talented and gifted. He will create an impact. I'm looking forward to witness him releasing that GIANT within. I'm so proud to be his coach.

What you think, you become.

What you feel you attract.

What you imagine, you create.

Everyone is Naturally Creative, Resourceful and Whole. Everyone is gifted. Discover your gifts. The best project you will ever work on is... YOU. You are Powerful. You are Enough. You have a Story. Discover it and own it!

I'm filled with gratitude. I'm complete.

p/s: My passion for Coaching lies in the magical and transformational self-discovery process. Everyone is Naturally Creative, Resourceful and Whole. If you want to Fundamentally Change & Create a New Future Experience, Talk to me.

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