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Jimmy Lee

Our Shadows and Light

Reflecting on what we taught in Sunday School yesterday. I had a role to play in sharing with the kids what were the acceptable and unacceptable behaviours in Church using my CMI (cannot make it) acting skills. Well, I was funny according to many.

On a serious note, our LIGHT (what's good in us, our gifts) and SHADOWS (our ugly side, our desires) are our constant companions, filling our inner being. They are part of who we are and what we don’t want to be. They are also possibilities of what we may be in the future. It is clear that they are the struggle between what we recognize and what we avoid. What we let in to our lives, what we ignore and what we don’t want to see. And in this small, but complicated, balancing act, we try and live our lives without letting any one part rule us.

From my life journey, I learnt that it is in our darkness we find our light. We find ourselves from who we do not want to be. Self-acceptance and exercising self-authority to make a Choice to be who we want to be is a way forward for me. We are constantly work in progress and HE is not done with me yet. Ok... Too much thinking early in the morning.

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