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Powerful Questions

Reflecting on a learning group I facilitated yesterday and how powerful questions shapes the way my group participants view their leadership challenges. 3 Questions I found useful and powerful to shift paradigms. I'm offering them for your consideration. They are,

1. What do you really want?

- When this powerful question landed well, we will pause and reflect deeply. There will be a long silence. This question stops us from responding reactively and direct us to a creative path. This question helps us to focus the attention back to us instead of the problem or situation. Instead of dwelling in our circle of concern, this question shifts our focus to our circle of influence. This is an important first step towards a paradigm shift and action. Do not underestimate this simple question.

2. What will an ideal outcome look like?

- Everything is created twice. Mental creation precedes physical creation. You are on a road to nowhere if you do not have a destination. This question stops us from feeling trap in the current and visualise what we want to create. It helps us to begin with the end in mind. When the desired outcome is clear, we will begin to flex our proactive muscles to make things happen. We will also notice a shift in our energy when we shift our paradigms to possiblities. I have experienced organisational transformation with this powerful question, image what can this question do to your life?

3. What's important about that?

- This third powerful question forces us to think about what drives us. Values we hold dear often surface when we reflect deeply on this question. When we clarify our values and live them intentionally, we can shift our behaviours and actions powerfully. When our values are clear, options or decision making becomes easier because you will know what you must do to honour your values. It will shift your paradigms and priorities. Our behaviours are often driven by our values, if we want to shift our paradigms and behaviours in a sustainable manner, start with our values. It's our core.

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