Lord, open my eyes today to appreciate YOUR Glory and YOUR Grace. Open my ears that I might listen to YOUR Word rightly. Open my heart that I might Love YOU above all and follow YOU Completely. 🙏🏻
As we reflect on our life purpose and meaning, consider these powerful questions...
What gives my life purpose?
What's important to me?
When do I feel most connected & fulfilled?
May your day ahead be purposeful & fulfilled.
Go Well, Go Strong!
p.s: I'm a professionally certified life & leadership coach. I'm offering coaching sessions to anyone who needs it at #NO_CHARGE in this time of the #COVID_19 crisis. If you would like to be supported by a coaching conversation or know anyone who needs support, please let me know. It's my way of giving back. Only 2 conditions, person must be willing and it's voluntary. It will be my privilege to serve and it is aligned to my personal life purpose.