This was the title of the last lecture delivered by Randy Pausch at the Carnegie Mellon University lecture hall. He was terminally ill and only had a few days to live. If you have not watched this video, I would strongly encourage you to spend the 1.15hr to watch the video. I promise you that it will be a good investment of your time.
While you do so, please have a notebook close to you and take notes. In his humorous talk, he shares some great wisdom on life and how to live a life worth living. I will leave it to you to take what's useful or resonates.
One of my favourite lessons from Randy is, HAVE FUN!
We need to have fun along the way. We live once (as far as we know). So, having fun and enjoying this one life we have.
Many times during the journey, we might hit periods of time when FUN is probably the last thing on our minds. In those moments, we need to remember Rule No. 6 (Don’t take yourself so goddamn seriously!), as posited by Benjamin Zanders in his book – “The Art of Possibility”.
Based on my personal experience, what happens to us doesn’t need to dictate our response. We can still choose to have FUN, regardless of what happens. Irrespective of our circumstances, do not forget to find some way to have fun!!!
This is one lecture that I will repeatedly watch when I need reminders on the key lessons in life. Remember to DREAM and Enjoy.
Watch the Lecture by clicking on the Youtube link below: