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Jimmy Lee


Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Attending to our own needs matter. It is not a selfish act. Honouring ourselves doesn't mean we matter more than others. But it does recognise that we can care for others far more effectively when we care for ourselves. The expectations we place on ourselves and others have a major impact on our quality of life, our well-being and relationships. Being honest with ourselves in what we expect is essential.

YOU matter!

What are u doing to take care of yourself?

Powerful questions for you to consider,

Well-being or self-care is...

How can I maintain balance?
Are there times I expect too much from others and myself?
What are the signs that I'm doing well?
How else could I support my well-being?

p.s: I'm a professionally certified life & leadership coach. I'm offering coaching sessions to anyone who needs it at #NO_CHARGE in this time of the #COVID_19 crisis. If you would like to be supported by a coaching conversation or know anyone who needs support, please let me know. It's my way of giving back. Only 2 conditions, person must be willing and it's voluntary. It will be my privilege to serve and it is aligned to my personal life purpose.

Do you want a greater sense of your personal power?

Would you like more freedom and fun?

Do you want more clarity and peace of mind?

How about less anxiety, less confusion, and fewer negative thoughts?

Talk to me. I can help if you are committed :)

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