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Jimmy Lee

We Coach For A Life To Be Lived

All my clients know that they will have to make a monetary contribution to my Church or Charity of my choice when they receive coaching services from me. I'm doing this not for the money but to #Empower others after work hours and sometime till late at night depending on which time zones my clients are in. My life purpose is to be a

'Shepherd Leader who #EmpowerHISLeaders'.

It's a gift I have been given and I will be a responsible steward. My gifts and contributions will define who I am and this gift has grown me much from the inside out (still learning and growing). The skills I have acquired can help me serve many and it's a very powerful weapon to fight the new wars in this new world.

My clients always appreciate my sincerity and generosity and many of them always come to their coaching sessions with little gifts and tokens of appreciation (when we were having our F2F coaching session pre-Covid19).

Some came with coffee, snacks, dinner (I often rush to coach my clients after work without dinner), a personalised baseball cap, a book authored by my client and one even came with a pineapple (wishing me 'WANG'! meaning prosperity as a coach, hmmm, that partially explains the large number of clients I have)... Lol. I appreciated all of them because they came from their hearts.

Today, I received the most interesting appreciation gift delivered to my doorstep from a client and it really made my day. It was really cool, personalised and comfortable. It's not about the gift but my client's deep appreciation of my coaching, his coach like attention to details and generosity. Today I experienced what Brenda Bence once said, “What you give comes back to you ten-fold.” The bible also says,

"One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:24-25 (NIV)

I'm indeed blessed and it is my honour to receive this gift of appreciation with pride knowing that my client is now #Empowered and he is now in a better place and space compared to when we started our coaching sessions 8 months back. I'm so thankful and blessed. I will continue to do what I'm doing as long as my energy allows me to do so. HE will provide. As my coaching supervisor/mentor/coach ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC) Alex once said to me, I have 'a powerful weapon' to fight the 'new wars of this world' and I don't have to be a politician to do that! In addition, I'm also proud to have an 'Army of Coaches' - my Co-Active Brothers and Sisters in Arms, I can depend and called upon when I need them to do the work we do as coaches. As I reflected back on my journey as a coach, I'm so complete.

p/s: My passion for coaching lies in the magical and transformational self-discovery process. Everyone is Naturally Creative, Resourceful and Whole.

I coach to Empower Lives. I coach anyone who is willing to Fundamentally Change & Create a New Future Experience.

My coaching is a Gift and I do not do it for $. My life purpose is to be a

'Shepherd Leader who #EmpowerHISLeaders'.

Talk to me if you need support or someone to help you step out of your comfort zone. The coaching fee you need to pay is your commitment to become an #Empowered version of yourself.

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