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Jimmy Lee

What we focus on EXPANDS

Observing and reflecting on what's happening around the world and can't help but to wonder what's in the minds of people behaving or responding in a certain way. #GeorgeFloyd

As a coach, I learnt from many of my clients that - what we focus on, expands. We attract that which we give our energy (thought). If you’re worried, angry or frustrated about something, you are giving it power, and you are drawing to you the results or outcomes you don’t want. Keep doing it and you will manifest what you are worrying about. We make ourselves the victim.

When we focus on what's right and ask ourselves what's the Good Meaning? What's the Gift? What are the Choices or Options we have to achieve what we want? in whatever circumstances or situations we're in, we focus on what's possible and we empower ourselves to create the outcomes we want.

What we choose before us (reflection/learning zone) or behind us (reaction/fear zone) will determine our outcomes, happiness and fulfillment. Therefore, we always have control - the ability to choose our own thoughts. And that’s why we must choose them very intentionally and carefully.

What we focus on expands. So focus on what are we want (choice) and the options to increase our influence or achieve the outcomes we really want, and manifest that!

Easy to do? Well, it's depends on how well individuals master themselves, self awareness, personal values or personality. Is this possible? Certainly! Common sense you say? Well, I'm not sure if it's common practice (look at all the reactions happening now!). Many of our challenges in life is not about Knowing, it's always about Being. So are we prepared to hold back our judgement to.... Love, Listen, Learn...and take empowering actions to add value!

We are all better than this...
The time is Now!

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